Monday, March 29, 2010

Make a diffference. . .EVERYDAY

The radio station that I listen to each and everyday features Mondays as “Make a difference Monday” and listeners are encouraged to call in and share how someone has made a difference in their lives over the weekend, or how they have had been a positive influence or role model in someone else’s life. I love hearing these stories of inspiration, and they have often become ways I’ve tried to make a difference in someone else’s life too.

But, here’s a thought. . .let’s make a difference EVERYDAY! I know that is really pushing the nice-o-meter, even for a person like me who claims not to be so nice. But all it really takes is a smile and saying hello to someone. That’s it. You could go above and beyond and hold the door, or buy the coffee for the person behind you in the Starbucks drive-thru. But a simple smile and hello is often a really good start. And, it will make people wonder what you are up to.

As a follow up to an earlier blog, tomorrow I take my volunteer application down to the Grace House, along with a huge bag of clothing (I had no idea I had so many clothes), some luggage and more purses. And, I hope to hang out and actually start helping around the place. And I’m going to take some of your suggestions and take some hotel samples down there too. I always saved them for my guest bathroom, but let’s face it, I have enough saved up to have guests every night for the next 3 years, and there are people that actually need these items.

So, let me know how you are going or how you did make a difference recently! I love reading your comments. They are so inspiring to me. They make a difference, and isn’t that why we’re here…

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