Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions. . .made to last

Yesterday on my flight from Phoenix to Denver, I read in an article that most new year's resolutions last, on average, only 6 weeks. So, by mid-February, most people have broken their resolutions. I typically wait until my birthday to make my "new year" resolutions, but along with so many other people I have decided to start this next decade and make some resolutions. But, I do have a confession. . .I've been practicing some of these for a while.

Late in the summer of '09, I decided my life needed a lift, so I started some new rituals and brought back some old habits that needed revitalized. My life is much fuller for these things.

So, in 2010, I'm going to continue:
Reading and studying The Word each and every day (thanks Mom and Dad for the new Bible for Christmas--one every 25 years is nice and now I have three versions in the house). Plus, from the Blackberry or laptop, I recommend as an EXCELLENT resource for scripture.

Volunteering--hopefully, my little sister will still be in St. Joseph, when I get home and not have moved. Either way, Big Brothers/Big Sisters is a great organization and I will continue to be involved. I also want to start volunteering at Grace House and will continue to donate items for families in need.

Excercise--did really well in early 2009.

Be kinder than necessary--this hung above John Crouch's door during his time at American Angus, and I will always remember that no matter how bad my day, someone is facing bigger challenges, so a little kindness with a smile goes a long way!

So, now that I've made my resolutions public, there's NO going back! My new year's hope for you is to have the most blessed, healthy and happy new year ever! Life is what we make of it. So make 2010 the best yet!

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