Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Life Changing Day in Galilee

Today was amazing! We toured around the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus performed 85% of his public works. Today was an emotional day, in so many ways, and I'm so glad to share my pilgrimage with you.

Our day started with a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus walked on water and calmed the storm, just to name a few. It was a cool, overcast morning, but the sun did shine eventually. We had a great prayer and lesson by Pastor Cindy (from Savannah), and scripture reading and a testimonial from Vjay, one of the ladies from India. We sang several songs together. I cried. The entire experience was so emotional for me.

Where we docked, we visited our first Kibbett or small commune. There was an ancient boat there, that two brothers found during a drought. It was very well preserved.

Our next stop was one I was really looking forward to--the Mount of Beatitudes. This sets high above the Sea, and is where Jesus delivered his sermon in the Mount. It had a beautiful church and awesome gardens. And lots of tourists.

Next we made a quick stop at Tabgha,where Jesus performed the miracle of multiplication, and turned 5 loaves and two fish into enough food to feed 5,000 and still had some left.

I really enjoyed our next stop--the Chapel of Primacy, which was right along Galilee. This is where Jesus prepared the "last breakfast" for his disciples before ascending to Heaven, and he asked Peter three time, "Do you love me?"

Capernaum was our final stop before lunch--yes, it was a marathon! Capernaum was where Jesus made his home during his ministerial years. We saw Peter's house as well as a synagogue that dates to the 4th Century A.D.

Lunch was served and looking right back at me! We had Saint Peters Fish, which they believe are the fish that he caught, and they cook the tilapia with its head and tail still attached! It was actually good.

And after lunch, was another highlight of the trip. We ended our day at the Jordan River, where I chose to renew my baptism by immersion. We changed into our swimsuits and a provided robe, waded into the River, with the fish, and were immersed. This was extra special for me since Pstor Mitch immersed me. Mitch was our associate pastor, and I went through membership classes with him at Ashland before he moved to the church in Indepence.

It was a glorious day for me and the 40 other people on our trip. We are laughing together, learning together and worshipping together. Know this is my one trip here and I'm taking every opportunity available to me. Will I ride a camel tomorrow? Only tme will tell! Stay tuned for the next installment, coming from Jerusalem!

1 comment:

  1. Growing up with hearing stories from the Bible, I often still have trouble making it out in my mind that these were real places and real people. Thanks so much for sharing your trip and photos!
