Monday, March 8, 2010

Don't Rush Life

I always wondered what I'd do with a weekend at home with absolutely no plans. Well this past weekend, I had the opportunity to discover what that would be, and I did a lot of soul searching. Of the 48 hours in the weekend, I spent 70% of it soul searching (including church), 25% sleeping (I was a little behind in my required sleep) and the other 5% cleaning the frig/freezer and doing laundry. Pretty pathetic, huh?

Now, I'm not going to share with you everything I discovered, because honestly, I don't think my journey is over. Is it ever? But I did come to one revelation--being an adult isn't for the weak.

But here are a few of my thoughts. And for you YOUNG people, pay attention! You see, as an adult we are faced with decisions that we must make--not like what color our prom dress is going to be or who we're going to hang out with for the weekend. These are big time decisions. They don't always only affect only our lives, but many other lives as well. We have to think with our head and also our heart.

Then, we have an endless pile of bills. Thanks to my new buddy, Dave Ramsey, these are managable. But I also have another buddy like Eddie Bauer for instance that doesn't care what Dave says and knows I'm a sucker for a good deal, especially via the internet.

I remember the Monday after I graduated from SFCHS, my friend Tish and I drove to Colby so I could find a job because I was that ready to get out of the house and small town America. Guess what? I would give anything to have a redo button. To have that summer back working at the C-Mart in Sainty, not sleeping at Burger King (literally) and waiting on busloads of people on their way to see the Pope in Denver that summer. Remember, let your parents take care of you as long as they want!

Finally, do what you love and love what you do! I don't think you are too old to discover your purpose in life. I always am thankful that my parents told me I could be anything I ever wanted. There was never any limitations set at my house, other than I was going to attend K-State! But, even though I have a degree in Ag Journalism, I do more event planning now than anything. And, I don't know that event planning is my final purpose in life--refer to paragraph #1 (soul searching). So, when people ask you what you want to be, dream big, but that doesn't mean you have to stick to it.

Tonight as I went for a walk, I thought about all these things. Several runners and joggers passed me buy. I wondered what their rush was. As someone who lives by deadlines and a color-coded calendar, I thought for once, wouldn't it be nice, if we didn't have to rush life along? Take time to enjoy it. You'll be glad you did.


  1. Great post Shelia. You'll really like Dave Ramsey. You'll just have to put a little Eddie Bauer in your budget.

  2. Shelia as a junior you never failed to aspire me and now as an adult things haven't changed! You are an ultimate idol to me! God Bless!

  3. I am so glad I found your blog! It's awesome! I remember that trip to Colby and so many other great times. You're right - we were always in such a hurry to grow up!

    By the way, G and I are in month 3 of Dave Ramsey! Definitely put a little Eddie Bauer in your budget!!
