Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hi, my name is Shelia and I'm addicted to social networking. Yes, I feel almost like I need to find a support group in Saint Joseph for this challenge. I rely on my computer and iPhone so much for news, weather and information, I can hardly remember the last time I picked up a newspaper, and if it weren't for ESPN I would seriously consider cancelling my cable--SAD!

It's crazy what the social networking craze has done to folks or to me, anyway, but I've tried to find positives to it as well. I've rekindled long ago friendships that might have gone by the wayside without tools like Facebook and e-mail. And, some friendships have even blossomed because of these resources. I use my Facebook status to post positive and uplifting scripture each morning. And, I've subscribed to several inspirational apps on my iPhone to keep me going "on the go."

I can also get the weather for my travels and where my loved ones live at my fingertips, and have my favorite teams' sports scores in an instant when I'm setting in meetings. Technology is great, but am I controlling it or is it controlling me?

Although I'm not a fan of professional football, I could tell how the playoffs were going just by my friends' post on Facebook. Same for baseball. And, I don't play Farmville, Aquarium or any other Facebook game. But I know who does! This blog has even taken over as a form of journaling for me, though I still make a concerted effort to write in one of my journals a couple times a week, because when I'm old and grayer, I won't want to read these random thoughts from a laptop in the nursing home, will I??

I guess I'm just a people person. I like to be connected. I like to read what others are doing, and know what is happening in the world. I saw that some of my friends gave up Facebook for Lent. And I say good for them! However, I will stay connected. Facebook. Blog. Twitter. iPhone. They're here to stay and I'm here to use them. If you are reading this thanks for being connected with me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're staying connected! :) And I really enjoy the daily scriptures. Somehow they always seem to relate to what I'm going through.
